First freeBILy results published!

First freeBILy results published!

First freeBILy results published! April 2024 – The well-being of women has a direct impact on other people, societies and the countries where they live. Improving women’s health will create a better world for all, treating pregnant women for schistosomiasis in...
EDCTP Forum Paris

EDCTP Forum Paris

EDCTP Forum Paris Development of a CAA/CCA duplex test for improved diagnosis of human schistosomiasis Paris, November 2023 – On behalf of the freeBILy consortium, Pytsje Hoekstra presented results on the development of a CCA/CAA duplex test, changing schistosomiasis...
ECTMIH Utrecht

ECTMIH Utrecht

The challenge of schistosomiasis treatment in young children and pregnant women – example of freeBILy Utrecht, November 2023 – freeBILy partners joined the European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) held in Utrecht to present results from...
Annual meeting in Barcelona

Annual meeting in Barcelona

The freeBILy consortium held its final annual meeting in Barcelona, Spain, from 19-21 Sept 2022. The main objective of the freeBILy project is to implement and evaluate the effectivity of two well-researched circulating antigen tests to improve diagnosis in endemic...

freeBILy tweets

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First freeBILy publications now available online

First freeBILy publications now available online

A comprehensive overview of the freeBILy project was recently published in Acta Tropica. The full publication can be found here. Furthermore, details of the clinical trials in Gabon and Madagascar have been...